A fizetés módja: készpénz vagy bankkártyás fizetés. SZÉP kártyát, utalványt nem fogadunk el.
At the beginning of the 20th century Endre Ady opened a new chapter in the history of Hungarian lyric poetry. Breaking ties with the ordinary, he created a new style and a new poetic language. He spent a few years in Debrecen at the beginning of his career. From being a law student he became a journalist during this period and started working on the publication of his first poetry anthology titled Poems, which was issued in Debrecen in 1899. Love, disappointment, secret admirer, amusement, poems, swordfight, journalism. Some keywords with which the two short years when Endre Ady was in Debrecen can be described. The exhibition organized on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of poet’s death provides an insight into the early period of the life of Endre Ady in Debrecen. The exhibition, integrated into and constantly reacting to the permanent exhibition called Dreaming Hungarians, presents the main nodal points of Endre Ady's life in Debrecen.
Within the frameworks of the museum investigation, which forms a close unit with the exhibition, venturesome visitors can discover the secret of the lost collared cloak of Endre Ady.
The exhibition is accessible from 22 June 2019 to 14 June 2020.
Teljes árú belépőjegy | 1.000 Ft/fő |
Kedvezményes belépőjegy (6-26 év között, 62-70 év között) | 500 Ft/fő |
6 éven aluliaknak | ingyenes |
70 év felettieknek | ingyenes |
Családi belépő (2 felnőtt és max. 3 iskolás korú gyermek) | 2.000 Ft/család |
Tárlatvezetés | 5.000 Ft/csoport |
A fizetés módja: készpénz vagy bankkártyás fizetés. SZÉP kártyát, utalványt nem fogadunk el.